What’s Your Differentiating Factor?

business sales strategy tips
What’s Your Differentiating Factor?

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in a sea of competition?

The internet is a noisy, crowded space and the fact of the matter is, if you don’t stand out - if you don’t learn how to “stop the scroll” - that’s when you get skipped over or end up potentially losing out when it comes to pricing.

In business, it is essential that you learn how to innovate and differentiate yourself from your competitors. You’re not like anyone else, and your customers need to see that.

In today's post, I’m helping you uncover ways to attract attention by embracing your uniqueness throughout the full arc of your buyer’s journey.

Read on and be sure to grab a pen and paper. This is a topic you’ll want to spend some quality time on brainstorming.


You weren’t made to fit in - you were born to stand out.

As a child, you were taught to fit in - in school and in your family. You were trained to fit in within the social structure of your peers. We grow up with Goldilocks syndrome: we want to be not too tall, not too short, not too fat, not too thin, not too loud, not too quiet… we want to be just right.

But these “survival strategies” you learned growing up need to be unlearned now that you’re a business owner. Because if you are trying to fit in with everyone else around you in your business, you’re going to get lost in the crowd.

Let’s take your social media presence, for example. When people come across your posts, you want to stop them in their scrolling by piquing their interest. You want content that grabs people’s attention, making them curious to learn more about you and your business. Your posts shouldn’t look like everyone else’s. If they do, there’s nothing unique enough about you that would make someone want to connect and learn more.

I find that the people and businesses having the most fun with social media are the ones who are able to stand out online. They’re not afraid to embrace what might be considered weird, funky, or strange about them; they know that’s what sets them apart.

The same is true in person (“IRL” as they say). When you go to a conference or some other industry event, are you memorable? Is there something about you that makes people interested in chatting with you because you don’t blend in with the crowd?

When I lived in New York and went to networking events, I always wore a red hat. While everyone else in the room was wearing black, I stood out with this pop of color. It drew people to me, and I became known as the girl in the red hat. This small style choice set me apart and helped people easily remember me, associating me with something in their brains that they couldn’t forget. From there, I was able to form the connections I needed to make more sales and get more referrals.

Some questions to ask yourself and use as journal prompts:

How does my business’ presence online get people to stop scrolling?

How can I innovate and show value in a way that makes me different from my competition?

What makes me and my business attractive?

What value do I uniquely offer in the marketplace?

What do I do that’s different or better than my competition?

How noticeable is my marketing?

Why do my repeat customers return again and again?

What am I doing that would make my customers want to share it with others and provide me with referrals?


Determine your perceived value differentiation

What is the perceived value of differentiation that you offer that your repeat customers keep coming back for? If you're unsure what that is, then just ask your customers. Call them up, take them to lunch, or figure out some other way to connect with them so you can ask them why they continue to work with you. What is it about working with you that they love the most? Knowing what differentiates you from your customers’ perspectives will help you lean into those factors and attract more new business.


Standing out at every stage of your buyer’s journey

Becoming unforgettable and your customers’ one-and-only is not just about the initial attraction/acquisition. Once you’ve gained their attention, you’ve got to continue to find ways to stand out and present yourself as their unique, irreplaceable solution.

It’s important to look at every stage of your buyer’s journey and find ways to differentiate yourself throughout.

I like to break up the buyer’s journey into three easy to remember parts:

  1. Before the Sale
    This stage is all about marketing, attraction, engagement, and connection.

  2. During the Sale
    This stage is your online intake, your discovery call, your proposal, and your follow-up.

  3. After the Sale
    This stage is everything that comes after they agree to buy: your delivery, the service you provide, how you keep in touch and foster the relationship, and how you gain testimonials and referrals.

When looking at each stage of the buyer’s journey, find ways that you can differentiate yourself. In each of these phases, consider what sets you apart from the competition. Incorporate your unique self and your unique business into the value you provide. Not only will this help you get seen and noticed in a crowded marketplace, but it will ultimately lead to far more profit in your business. People gladly pay more to have their needs met in ways no one else can.

Wondering how you can incorporate all of this into your sales process? This is something I work with my clients on both individually and in my mastermind group and retreats that I host. If you’d like to dig into how you can become truly outstanding in your business by standing out from your competitors, DM me over on Instagram and let’s chat. I know I’ve given you a lot to think about and journal on here today, but I’m always here to support you!

Remember: Improving your differentiation factor is work worth doing.

Are you currently doing anything specific to intentionally stand out? I’d love to hear about it!


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